About Architecture and wrinting
<p>Fatma Kobbi Boussetta- The Architect Lead of the firm L'Atelier published on 13 January 2017 his book novel entitled "Le Chantier de ma vie" which means "My life's building site". She wanted to bring together the two worlds around a book where sensitivity and emotions punctuate the reality of the road traveled, between dreams and constraints, hopes and loss of illusions. "I have always believed in the interaction of architecture with other forms of art. "Le chantier de ma vie" is an attempt to join the fields of literature and architecture. This is the story of the emotional journey of a young woman told in a technical lexic of the architectural world. We are talking about construction, that is about our experiences, our doubts and our choices in life. This project, where we are constantly working on our ego, is the trace of a whole process that we would sometimes like to revisit, re-read, reinterpret." Says Fatma Kobbi sabout his book. Extrait : « Des années se sont écoulées. Nous deux développions des perspectives de cet objet, des perspectives distinctes, fuyantes vers des points différents. Oui. c’était le même objet pourtant qui faisait que cette chaîne s’était affermie puis raffermie pour nous lier des plus beaux moments, des regards innocents… d’enfants, des câlins les plus tendres, de nous mettre en cendre… des plus beaux frissons . Le même objet, le même projet qui voyait échafauder des sentiments fondants, couler des émois en béton, dresser des armatures en conjonction, en convulsion »</p><p>About <a href="https://www.facebook.com/lechantierdemavie/?ref=bookmarks" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">LE CHANTIER DE MA VIE</a><br></p>